Friday, June 23, 2006

Listen to Me Play Piano!

FINALLY! I have been wanting to put sound files on my website for the LONGEST time. I worked and worked, and finally figured it out.

Last night, I stayed up all night recording pieces that I wanted to put on the website. It was hard, because I kept making mistakes and had to record them over and over again. I'm still not completely satisfied, but at least I have some music files completed.

I'm most happy with "Venetian Boat Song" by Mendelssohn. I just love that piece.

I've been playing piano since I was 11. I'm 42 now, so that's a pretty long time, I guess. Piano is my best talent, I think. I also play organ and I sing. I just thank God that I can make my living doing something that I love to do. It's a real blessing.

I've been a church musician for the past 27 years, and a piano teacher for the past 7 years. I also perform for wedding, funerals and special events. Life is good.


  1. I loved listening to you play!!!

  2. Thank you! I'll be glad when I learn how to make wav files instead of midi files. They sound so much better.
